Audio is Immersive. Intimate. Evocative.

Audio is Immersive. Intimate. Evocative.

Audio is Immersive. Intimate. Evocative.

Few media experiences are as personal as audio. The songs and stories we choose to listen to reflect our mood and lifestyle, influence our behaviors, and fill our minds and hearts as we go about our lives.  Audio is immersive, uniquely intimate, and completely mobile.

Audio is a magical medium that can access the theater in your mind and follow you anywhere and everywhere you go. From the shower to the kitchen counter, to the car or scooter, to the gym, office, or dinner party - we've got you covered.  Unlike digital video, display, TV, or print, audio does not require complete focus to make an impression. This makes audio an effective, forgiving, and adaptable medium that can take a campaign to new heights when combined with execution expertise.

sounds good.

Few media experiences are as personal as audio. The songs and stories we choose to listen to reflect our mood and lifestyle, influence our behaviors and fill our minds and hearts as we go about our lives.  Audio is immersive, uniquely intimate, and completely mobile.

Audio is a magical medium that can access the theater in your mind and follow you anywhere and everywhere you go. From the shower to the kitchen counter, to the car or scooter, to the gym, office, or dinner party, we've got you covered.  Unlike digital video, display, TV, or print, audio does not require complete focus to make an impression. This makes audio very effective, forgiving, and adaptable medium that, when combined with execution expertise, can take a marketing campaign to new heights.

sounds good.


Chemist AUDIO is a full-stack audio solution for media planning, buying, production and advertising execution.  With Podcasting, Streaming, Smart Speakers, Radio, YouTube and more it's no surprise that audio is the leading driver of media consumption reaching 96% of Adults 18+ in America every single week.

We're thankful you cannot shut off your ears.


Chemist AUDIO is a full-stack audio solution for media planning, buying, production and advertising execution.  With Podcasting, Streaming, Smart Speakers, Radio, YouTube and more it's no surprise that audio is the leading driver of media consumption reaching 96% of Adults 18+ in America every single week.

We're thankful you cannot shut off your ears.

Give Your Brand a Voice


Consumers may justify with logic, but they buy with emotion. Sound makes our brains release hormones that can change our feelings and connect us emotionally with different ideas, causes, concepts, and businesses. Audio has a tremendous influence on how consumers perceive your brand as the brain processes sounds ten to 100 times faster than the things it sees.

With audio the most emotional of the media it's one of the most powerful media tactics available to local advertisers.

Consumers may justify with logic, but they buy with emotion. Sound makes our brains release hormones that can change our feelings and connect us emotionally with different ideas, causes, concepts, and businesses. Audio has a tremendous influence on how consumers perceive your brand as the brain processes sounds ten to 100 times faster than the things it sees.

With audio the most emotional of the media it's one of the most powerful media tactics available to local advertisers.

Audio Ads drive 24% higher recall compared to display ads.  That's impact!

Audio Rocks


The Audio ecosystem is complex because audio advertising isn't an exact science. While you can teach yourself aspects of if X then Y marketing, learning how to be creative or producing a 30-second commercial that you know will work is different proposition.

The Periodic Table of Audio (aka our Media Lab) highlight some media partners and data aggregators that help us craft custom local audio solutions that work.

Professional audio advertising can:

Differentiate your business from your competition.

Sound as big, or bigger, than your largest competitor.

Build mindshare in the subconscious of the consumer.

Improve customer acquisition and feed top of the funnel activity.

Instantly enhance total marketing ROI by 19%.

Be the first company a consumer thinks about when a need arises for your product or service.

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Periodic Table of Audio

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The Audio ecosystem is complex because audio advertising isn't an exact science. While you can teach yourself aspects of if X then Y marketing, learning how to be creative or produce a 30-second commercial that works is different proposition.

The Periodic Table of Audio (aka our Media Lab) highlights some of our media partners and data aggregators that help us craft custom audio solutions that work.

Did you know Audio can...

- Differentiate your business from your competition.

- Sound as big, or bigger, than your largest competitor.

- Build mindshare for your business in the subconscious of the consumer.

- Be the first company a consumer thinks about when a need arises for your product or service.

- Improve customer acquisition by feeding top of the funnel activity.

- Instantly enhance total marketing ROI by 19%.

Audio is the leading driver of ALL media reaching 96% of the population each week.

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Amplify Your Brand.
Bring Your Business to Life with Audio.